The Augustana Confraternity is an organization of confessional Lutheran lay-people who support the work of The Augustana Ministerium.
What is a Confraternity?
A confraternity is a brotherhood—an association of those sharing a common confession and purpose. Members of The Augustana Confraternity share the confession of faith and above-stated purpose of The Augustana Ministerium, and seek to help the Ministerium fulfill its commitment.

Membership Obligations
Members of The Augustana Confraternity rejoice in the forgiveness of sins and the eternal life that is theirs on account of the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus their Savior.
Members pledge to devote themselves to the teachings of Holy Scripture and to the elucidation of those teachings in the Confessional writings of the Lutheran Church, particularly the Small Catechism.
Members are committed to supporting their Pastors in maintaining confessional Lutheran doctrine and practice, and respectfully bringing to the attention of their Pastors any perceived departure from said doctrine and practice.
Members agree to pay annual dues of $40.00.
Members, having voiced their agreement with The Augustana Ministerium’s Constitution, Bylaws, and Statement on the Ministry, will undertake to support the work of The Augustana Ministerium with their prayers, and with their “time, treasure, and talent” to the extent that they are able.
Membership Privileges
Members may attend the annual conference of The Augustana Ministerium, free of charge.
Members are invited to have use of the materials available on The Augustana Ministerium website and to consult with Pastors of The Augustana Ministerium as may be appropriate in spiritual matters germane to the work of the Ministerium (i.e., the solicitation of names for recommendation to congregations seeking to call a Pastor).
The Augustana Ministerium has never been, nor does it intend to be, a political organization attempting to manipulate the policies of Lutheran Church bodies. While members of The Augustana Confraternity are welcome to pursue political involvement in their church bodies, they are not to exploit their membership in The Augustana Confraternity for this purpose.
Membership Application
Filling out this form will
- indicate to the Recording Secretary of The Augustana Ministerium that the Bursar can expect a written application from you shortly, and
- take you to an Adobe Reader (.pdf) document that you can fill out on your computer, print, sign, and send to the Bursar with a check for your initial annual dues of $40.00 to finalize your application for membership in The Augustana Confraternity. (Macintosh users will want to open that .pdf form with Adobe Reader and not with Apple’s Preview so that they can fill the form out before printing it.)